Student Newsletter – November 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

After a well-deserved half term break and all still feeling positive and motivated after our Diversity Day, we returned to College knowing that November would be a very busy month. Especially for our A2 Drama students who had one of their official Performance examinations.

Palma College doors are always open, and we are always happy to receive visitors who give up their time to share their knowledge and experience with us. This month has been a busy one!

Ged Kennedy from Easyjet came in and had our Business students building a package holiday. They proposed and designed a Hawaiian holiday with tree house accommodation for us!

They also received a visit from Paloma Garcia from Inturea who specialises in Digital Marketing. She gave a talk on social media for brands. Paloma has been kind enough to invite our Business students to Inturea offices for a tour and a firsthand view of a Marketing office environment.

We have had some exciting Enrichment projects this month. The Hummingbird Project where Rosalinda came in to share the project with our A2 students. Students were asked to think where they see themselves in 10 years, what small steps they can take to get there and to come up with ideas and prototypes to deal with mental health issues amongst adolescents given the shocking statistics from the WHO.

Our U6 students have been following an Interview Skills programme with Life Coach Sabrina from Just be Sassi

Over the past few months our students participated in a variety of different activities with Sabrina to help them prepare for their upcoming University interviews. After spending time going over their personal statements with them to get a feel for who they are and what they plan to do in the future, she set about researching their University and career choices to offer them a tailored interview. The sessions culminated in a mock interview. Students came dressed for the occasion and with a suitable amount of nerves that made the experience very realistic.









They all learnt a great deal including the importance of pre-interview nerves and how to deal with them. Students went into the interviews in small groups to observe peers and get feedback.

When the interviews had finished students came together to talk about how they felt about the experience and how it went. They also had the opportunity to ask how to handle different questions and how to answer the most difficult question of all. “Who are you?”


The feedback from both Sabrina and our students was very positive and we will see how far they have come when they come face to face with our external interview panel early next year to consolidate their interview skills.

Our AS students visited  Lonja18 for one of our favourite Enrichments – Cooking classes. We learnt to make all kinds of Mexican dishes such as tacos, quesadillas, nachos and guacamole. Students were really hands on, learnt how to chop, peel, fry and mash. A couple of them even volunteered to wash up!  When they finished, we all sat down together and enjoyed a delicious lunch. It was great to see students so engaged and learning not only new skills but also trying new flavours and foods.

The students were really proud of themselves!





The last Enrichment for this month was a fun Practical Finance lesson lead by the Headteacher. All our sixth-form students came together to learn how to balance accounts and were challenged to find the best option to book a flight and train tickets online within a specific time frame.

For the second part of the lesson they were put into teams and learnt how to calculate interest rates, make decisions on how to budget to cover living costs and how to work out tax bills. The team with the healthiest budget at the end of the year won a prize.



In our Estudi General building our Maths and Science students have been hard at work sitting assessments. Dr. Aguiló and all the other members of staff are very proud of how they have been studying to try and achieve good grades.



And our College dog Rubiol is always on hand for a cuddle.



The A2 Drama students have had important deadlines this month, as well as their Performance  Exam, but still found time to visit Palma’s beautiful Theatre Principal  to see La Omisión de la familia Coleman about an everyday family. It originates from Teatro Timbre 4, an Argentinian theatre company and has travelled around 22 different countries. The visit forms an important part of the Drama course as students practise their critiquing skills.

Nerves and stress were tangible amongst them ahead of their examination performance, but with the generous feedback and guidance from Drew Donovan and Jenny Whiffen from Isla Theatre Project they felt confident and we were all very impressed with what they achieved.


A2 Art students have worked on their third outcome of their Art piece for Component 1.  Here students are cutting and sawing different materials for their structures. One to form a cube which will be the central part of their piece and the other is working on a frame for the illustration that he plans to lay out in a box.






Spanish students have been out and about in our neighbourhood, looking for examples of how Palma supports recycling and other environmental related issues and the work EMAYA does. Students have been preparing a Powerpoint presentation in class on their findings.

Staff have talked about a range of subjects and shared lots of ideas in their Inset afternoons, which we hold every Wednesday. They have shared digital resources to use in the classroom, report writing tips, and had a special session on SEN (Special Educational Needs).

That was just a snapshot of our November. We are busy preparing for our Open Day on 17th December and lots of other Christmas treats. While students who are taking their exams in January will be making the most of their last classes before their exams.


Diversity Day Newsletter

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Diversity Day 2018

How do we start to share with you all the intense emotions and fun we shared on our Diversity Day?

Diversity Day is a chance for the whole College to come together and take part in a range of activities to try new skills, pull us out of our comfort zone and work together.

Our students gave us lots of feedback on the day and here is what they said:

“Diversity Day is a Palma College tradition, this type of day is organised once every other year and it brings our community closer. We have different activities in which our teachers also take part and the point is for everyone to have fun. It’s something very different from the usual day in college.”

This year’s Diversity Day was kept a secret from our students. They were asked to come to College in comfortable clothes and with an open mind and a sense of humour.  On arrival they were put into teams to mix groups and ages.

“I really enjoyed it because we related with the U6 and got to know them more”

Then we took everyone’s mobile phone away.

“It was a great day having fun and also it was amazing being able to have a day without phones just talking and getting to know more about the other students.”

In addition we did not have the mobile phones something that compelled us to socialize with each other and that I really enjoyed, as many times when you are with the phone you are not even bothered to look at the person in front of you and talk because apparently there is something more interesting going on in your screen.”

Our Diversity Day starts with a key note speaker. This year we were very privileged to have our own student Zahraa start the day with her story of how she escaped from Iraq during the war, her harrowing journey to Greece, what life is really like in a refugee camp and how she arrived in Mallorca.

“In a few words it was amazing. I do love and admire that she could stand up and talk about one of her most horrible experiences in life with a smile and just taking the positive things out of it. She was able to transmit her humanity to all of us and the fact that we get the experience of being a refugee from an actual person that we know who has gone through it, is much truer and more impactful than many things they tell on the news. Because experiencing something is not the same thing as hearing about it from the other side of a screen. And hearing this terrible yet life changing experience from Zahraa makes each one of us reconsider our life and the value of it, and being thankful with what we have and don’t ask for more, because if we do not learn how to be thankful, we will neither learn how to appreciate what we have. So yeah I thank Zahraa a lot for sharing this emotional speech with all of us.”


“Zahraa’s speech was incredible. It was very emotional and inspiring. I found it very brave of her to tell her story to all of us and makes me happy to call her a friend and a school mate. I think she has a strong voice, she is in general one of the kindest and strongest.”


“I felt so free !!!!!!”

After a huge round of applause, wiping away of tears and few moments for reflection our fun filled activity day was about to commence.

Students were split up into their teams and started the different workshops organised for them.

Krista from Cancer Support Mallorca and Proyecto Micky- Almohada corazon gave students and teachers an informative chat and then students got involved in creating cards and messages to accompany the hearts for Proyecto Micky.

Here is what students and teachers said:

“it was interesting and nice to be able to help create cards for the patients. Because I as student we need to support that situation” 

“It was a great way to get our not so arty students to be creative and involved in local charities”


“It is always good to help others are going throughout that situations. The leaders are so kind, and they explain why they do this in a very motivated way.”</i


While one group was busy doing this another two were involved in more active workshops in our other building on Estudi General.

Paula Baumgartner from Disfrute movimiento came in to share her creative movement workshop with us.  Howls of laughter could be heard from the street as students used their imagination and got involved in all kinds of movement expressing thought, releasing stress and team building.

“I had fun and It was good to reduce stress was very nice and encouraging and it was extremely fun.” “Liked trying something new.”

“It was a way to express myself just with moving around. As a group we had a lot of fun and you were able to let go of your embarrassment.”

“Paula’s activity was very inspiring because you were able to let go of your fears, your embarrassment, do what you want to do and be who you want to be. Express yourself in whatever way. We had a lot of fun we laughed a lot and there was a great group connection.”


In the classroom next door Janis from  Crossfit Mallorca put our students and teachers through their paces with a workout.

“I enjoy sports and working out, something that’s only made better by doing it in the company of friends”

“Because I felt that it helped to reinforce my muscles and know the spots on my body where I need to focus on the most, e.g. abs”.

“Super entertaining and energetic, happy to know new techniques for training.”

Following on from Zahraa’s opening speech, Refugees Welcome Illes Balears spoke about the new charity they are setting up in Mallorca where refugees can find ways to become more integrated in society and where residents who can open up their home and help the refugees integrate. Students participated in role plays to discover all sides of a refugee’s journey.

“I really enjoyed this exercise because you were able to get in the skin of a refugee or a house holder and really feel how complicated it might be.”

“It was an eye-opening lesson that made me more aware of the issues that immigrants have to face when moving to a new country.”

The next hour we all swapped rooms. Students were visited by Klaus Hillebrecht from The Artist Mallorca  Klaus is a director, composer and writer and was also nominated for an Emmy for his compositions for National Geographic. Klaus offered a workshop in voice coaching and voice awareness.

“He was a nice guy and very widely knowledgeable in his work “

Joachim from Perrocador came in with his dog and everyone fell in love.

” It was interesting and the puppy was sooo cute I loved it “

“He talked about the history of dogs, the importance of adopting, also how to educate your dog.”

“It was interesting to learn how should we treat our pet, especially dogs”

“Was fun, involved dogs which is always a bonus”

“I felt it was interesting to listen to Joaquim about his experience and knowledge about dogs and how to treat them but also about how they are treated nowadays. In addition, as I heard that they need more Volunteers I will be glad to help with dogs that need a home.”

Another group were very active and learnt an Afrobeats dance choreograph with Anny Rodriguez from African dance Reovlution Mallorca Even our staff and teachers who say they have no rhythm got involved and had lots of fun.

“It was difficult, but she was great and full of energy. We all participated and laughed and moved a lot.”

“Fun to do something completely different in College”

“She was very nice and encouraging. The class was fun and I liked learning something new”

So much fun, it brought the group together as everyone were quite uncomfortable in the beginning but eventually just started laughing.”

“it was very fun and had a great time”


As we are all huge fans of Es Badulake we asked them to provide a picnic for us.

When asked what their favourite part of Diversity was one student replied “Lunch time, delicious baguettes and cookies”

The cookies were a huge hit with everyone, especially Ali.


After lunch and with the sun shining, two of the groups were sent on a masterminded Geo scavenger hunt around our beautiful city. It was a race against the clock as both teams were given clues dotted around the city to find the hidden treasure. Both teams were hugely competitive and maybe a little cheating went on.

“I liked it because as a group we had to look to find everything very quickly, but it was very hot and we had to run a lot.”

“The idea of the hunt was good since it improves our teamwork abilities and also makes us more familiar with Palma”

 “Good exercise, now I’m good for like a month, weather was very nice too, a very enjoyable afternoon”

Another group was more reflective and creative with the visit from Jacky from Age Concern Mallorca. Jacky talked about the services Age Concern provides. Our students made doggy bags to be sold at the Christmas markets to raise funds for the charity.

“It felt ok to do it because I know I was helping with the age concern campaign”

“it was nice doing something to spread awareness, Jackie told us new things that we didn’t know before and it is comforting knowing that there are organisations like this one. Hopefully we helped raise funds.”

“it made me feel useful”



Hazel from VIP service shared her expertise on how to iron a shirt perfectly and how to sew on buttons. For many of the group it was the first time they had used an iron, but even the more experienced teachers learnt a few new tricks.


Lots of students who didn’t participate have asked that Hazel comes back so they can learn too!


For the last activity we all came together to play football – Blind football. Teams were made up of one blindfolded member who received instructions from their partner on where to find the ball and how to kick it to score a goal. There was definitely a lot cheating going on and some showing off of football skills. We all had a great time playing, cheering on our team and feeling happy to be with such great friends and colleagues in such beautiful surroundings.


While all this was going on Kim our fantastic photographer was racing around taking photos and sending them to our film editor extraordinaire Greg who put together a wonderful video of all the days event.

We rounded up the day the same way as we started it, all together, thanking Michaela for arranging and co-ordinating the whole day.  Then we watched the video of the day amidst laughter and a fantastic sense of being part of a wonderful community.

Some final comments from our students:

“I think that Diversity Day in general is a day that is important to have in an educational community as it does not just connect the students together but also the teachers as they form part of the activities, the students are doing. I think is lovely how the fact of experiencing so many activities as a college in one day creates an emotional closure with everyone. In my opinion this is something that could be done more often as it is important that the students are together as a big family and feel the support of each and other.”

“Diversity Day is an exciting day filled with lots of new experiences and challenges. As well as inspiring the students, it also brought them closer as a community.”

“Diversity ay was a really fun day, where we all had so much fun and did things we had not done before. It was also a great chance to get to know people better that you don’t normally talk too, which I really appreciate as a new student this year!”

“Diversity Day allowed us all to share our personal opinions and experiences by carrying out activities together. As we tried new things together, we got to see each other’s reactions and therefore get to know each other much more”.

“Diversity Day was the best day we’ve all became as a family, reunited. all became familiar with each other’s stories and inspirational speeches. The activities were really fun and advanced from them in the same time, we had to think with ourselves, think in knowledge, think about others, and all of this was in a fun way, but we learned something from each activity. The organizing, the photos, the food, the vibes, everything was perfect. We needed this day. Thank you so much Palma College for offering such a nice opportunity to share our nice moments with each other. This is going to stay in my best memories I had in my life. I love you all”


Student Newsletter – October 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Palma College Newsletter October 2018

October has proven to be a busy month where we have all come to together as a Community on various occasions to celebrate our diversity.

We had a College Community lunch where all staff and students brought in their favourite dishes from their country. We were lucky enough to enjoy Dolma from the Middle East, Swedish Meatballs, German Schnitzel, Mexican Nachos, Scottish Salmon, Mallorcan empanadas and lots of delicious cakes! It was such a success that we are already looking forward to the next one. Many thanks for all your generous contributions. The food that we didn’t manage to eat was collected by a local charity asociacionesrefugi

All our students have been at work in all their subject classes. Spanish A2 students have been brainstorming ideas on  renewable energies.



Our L6 Art students created an abstract colour collage in preparation for the basis of their next unit on painting.






Our IGSCE Physics students summarised and revised the topic of forces and motion. They were using flashcards to put key equations on the board and then used the collected information to make a connect map and link ideas.

Enrichment and Guest speakers

Palma College has also received a range of guest speakers.  We are always very grateful to these professionals who give up their time to share their vast knowledge with our students.  

British Counselling Service gave our lower sixth students a workshop on self-confidence. Students learnt that self-esteem and self-confidence are related. They spoke about their feelings and how they feel they are perceived. Sarah also touched on anxiety, how to identify it, prevent it, deal with it and how to help someone who is suffering from anxiety. 


Ian Chapman from TUI came in and spoke to our A2 Business students about the Importance of Customer Care.


Brad Robertson from Asociacion Ondine gave a talk on following your dreams to all our students during an Enrichment session.  He told us about how he got into marine conservation, how he reached a point in his life where he had to choose between his business – making money, and his charity work – his passion.  He chose the latter.  Since then the charity has grown and grown and he has had some amazing experiences – he was invited to a global meeting about plastic pollution in the oceans which was attended by some VIPs like those  who are the heads of Greenpeace, etc.  Brad had the opportunity to fly in private jets and stay in luxury hotels as part of this trip.  His message was to follow your passion, to be honest, to keep your values and that in the end the rewards will come.

Our Business Students received a visit from Dr Walsh from Globe Business School Munich who gave them a talk on meeting consumer needs at a profit and what  to do if you can’t apply it. One of the students said that after the workshop he was shocked but fascinated how every business fits into one of 3 categories .

She invited them to participate in a competition to win a weekend workshop in Munich exploring business in a larger context

Three of our students went on to win this competition and got a Golden Ticket to take place on a two day workshop at the College in Munich. The workshops are a truly unique experience and ideal for anyone who is looking to gain an integrated perspective on business, wants to experience studying business at third level before they leave school, wishes to improve their soft skills and wants to learn more about business in a challenging environment.


On 24th October we opened our doors for a very popular Taster Morning and Open Afternoon to welcome prospective students and their families. Our current students were on hand to show them round. We are very proud to have such great ambassadors. The prospective students tried out different classes in the morning and their families came in to meet our teachers in the afternoon. There will be another Taster Day in the Spring.



More to come about our Diversity Day, in a special newsletter……


Head’s News October 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Dear Parents

Half term is approaching and as always it is hard to look back and see how much has been achieved in the classroom in the few short weeks of this term.

This week I am so proud to be Head Teacher of Palma College.  The students, and our staff, opened their classrooms to host visitors on Wednesday and their friendly welcomes to nervous potential students was simply amazing. They are obviously proud of their College and happy to show it off!

Diversity Day was similarly amazing. Our community heard the story of one of our students who had to flee Iraq as a refugee. The emotion in the room as this brave young girl spoke was palpable. Thereafter the different activities, fun, laughter and intrinsic learning was felt by all of us. The day ended with a competitive blindfolded football match and a film show of the day. We reaffirmed that we are a community who work hard but more importantly work together.

As we have not set formal homework during the half term holiday we hope they will all have a good rest and – just perhaps – they may want to revise or consolidate their learning to date!

Thank you for supporting your son or daughter through this first half term. I look forward to welcoming many of you at parents´ morning in December which you will be invited to shortly.

Kind regards and have a very pleasant half term as a family.



Student Newsletter – September 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Palma College Newsletter September 2018

Palma College students have been back for nearly a month now and are already hard at work and back into the swing of College life. Staff are busy getting to know our new students, teaching new skills, and planning exciting projects such as Diversity Day, new Enrichment projects and a Taster Day on 24 October for future students to come and get to know us.

Palma College prides itself on treating each student as an individual. Two of our students took the time to write what they like best about Palma College and tell us about their goals for this Academic year.

“I think Palma College is great school because it uses a different method of teaching that’s more personalised to each student and the student’s needs. Everyone is different and Palma College takes this into account and since classes are small the teacher is more focused towards me and how I learn. They don’t treat us like “students” they treat us like adults and individuals. My aims for this year are to achieve a good grade in my exams and to get a good foundation of education so that’s next year I can build on what I learnt this year.”

“Palma College is a specialised international A-level college. The difference between Palma College and other international schools on the island is that in Palma College all the students are treated as individuals, we get individual help and treatment by our qualified teachers. This is possible thanks to the fact that it is a small school. We are all treated as grown-ups and our opinion matters, we are challenged to think for ourselves, which is an important skill to have, we learn to adapt to situations as well as different personalities. The support we get from our teachers is something important for us as young adults, because we are all going through a lot of changes and our responsibilities increase. We have a lot of important choices to make about our futures such as what university to go to and what qualifications to get that will best fit our personalities and interests. All of that is made easier on us thanks to our lovely teachers.”

Things going on in and around College

All our new students took part in a certified First Aid course provided by Tineke Training. Students learnt different skills such as CPR, how to bandage and what to do if someone is choking. All the students found the course really useful and feel more confident if they are ever faced with a medical crisis.





Following on from Palma’s very popular Nit de l’Art where our Art teacher Laurie Pearsall exhibited at Casa Planas in Palma, our AS Art and Design students visited some of the local galleries.

The group spent some time at the galleries available to them in Palma Centre and visited three galleries that inaugurated new expositions for La Nit de l’Art. They viewed the work of Miquel Mesquida at the ABA Art Lab, a collaborative installation called ‘Walk the Line’ at Galeria Maior and the diverse collective exhibition at the Gerhard Braun gallery. Each student chose one work of art to study more closely for an essay task. They were happy to take a break from the classroom and see some galleries they normally might not see.

The students said they enjoyed seeing work of local artists and appreciated how Spanish culture had influenced some of the art they saw.


As part of our Enrichment programme students have participated in a range of activities this month. Self defence with Renegade Martial Arts, Time management skills and Good Habits help them organise their study time. Our A2 group have started their UCAS applications. They have received help from both Jill Conway our UCAS expert and interview skills with Sabrina from Just be Sassi.


A few of our students volunteered to help the nonprofit organisation Rana at their Charity Market last Saturday in Parc del Mar. Rana is a local charity that raises awareness and works on the prevention of child abuse.




We will be back next month with more news!

Head´s News September 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Head’s News September 2018


A superb, positive start to the new academic year has been enjoyed by staff and students alike.  Classes began after welcome talks and our first Enrichment activity was well received.  During this time all the students mixed together, meeting old friends but also welcoming new ones into our community.  The students discussed issues such as trust; being kind to one another and being inclusive.  These are some of the core values of Palma College and it was an important session for us all.   The students also were asked to reflect on their own experiences and to identify where in their learning skills they could make improvements.

The hard work begins already with the introduction of the aims and outline of the courses.  Students should not be feeling overwhelmed at this stage but informed.  The more competent with the learning processes they are, then the easier they will find it to make good progress.

We welcomed some of our new parents to a short talk about Palma College and the pathways their children will take with us.  We value and encourage each individual for who they are and strive to enable them to make the best of their opportunities with us.  Our highly successful leavers of 2018 have gone to their universities or their GAP year programmes and it has been touching to hear from some of them already.  It is gratifying to hear of former students who have graduated and are now working!

Next week we are delighted to welcome our new Fast Track IGCSE students.  We will be able to instil the necessary skills to prepare them for the rigours of the A Level route in the coming years.  The step between the two examination points is a huge one and the introduction of the year will allow Palma College students the opportunity to be ready as quickly as possible in terms of academics for the next courses.

As busy and intense few weeks lie ahead but with the continued efforts from all members of our community we will see progression and the emergence of more adult life skills coming to the fore.


Press Release – 22/6/18

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Palma College for Sixth Form studies is delighted to announce they are opening an Elite Fifth Form year for IGCSE students.  Students must be in their 16th year to be accepted for a place on this one year fast track course.

Demand for IGCSE is growing and  Jill Witkamp Roberts feel the time is right to extend the excellence in education which already exists within the Sixth Form.  The fully qualified staff are available to work with the Fifth Form students to prepare them for the IGCSE exams.  10 different subjects are offered.

With the waiting list for sixth form places increasing year on year this is the time to extend the excellence in education to a younger year group and to prepare them for the difficult transition to the demands of A Levels.

The Fifth Form will be running from this September.

Head’s Message – June 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Dear Parents

As another academic year draws to a close it is a good moment for us to reflect on the achievements of the students at Palma College.  Those who are leaving us have mapped out their immediate futures but, more importantly, have gained the skills they need to support themselves in decision making and even risk taking.  They have matured immeasurably over the two years with us and taken part in all that we offer.  The destinations of leavers and the degree courses they have applied for amaze all of us in their diversity and location; the benefits of being a truly international college are such that we all learn so much about other countries.

The students who now are in their second year are a great group.  Their enthusiasm and energy is felt throughout the College and they are using critical thinking skills very well.  They understand that A Levels are not only hard work but the key to their future plans.  The guest speakers at the College have remarked on more than one occasion how impressed they have been with the interest shown and the questions asked of them.  They have great potential to move onto Higher Education or other routes and they have begun working on this next step.

A gentle reminder that the examination results for AS and A Level are released on 16th August.  The A Level students should be available to come into College to collect their results and confirm their university places (if heading to the UK).  If they are off the island we will of course email them as soon as is practical that day.

Summer work is expected for Art and English Literature but otherwise we would encourage general reading, particularly for those studying a modern foreign language.  Term starts on 5th September and we would appreciate full attendance from that date.

The staff and I wish you and your families a very pleasant summer and we look forward to seeing returning parents in September when we will be holding some information afternoons regarding university options.

Kindest regards

Next Steps for Palma College Students 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

One of the great successes of Palma College is the ¨Next Steps´ programme where all L6 students are given careers advice and plan for their futures.  Not all students want to pursue an academic route and we look for vocational programmes or apprenticeships for them.

This year we have been astonished by the depth and breadth of the students´ ambitions and very proud of them seeking out courses to help them on their journeys.  We have three confirmed unconditional offers for the UK which is and testament to the strength of their applications; and many exciting opportunities both within Europe and North America.


Commercial Music                                                     Bath Spa University

Liberal Arts                                                                  Winchester University

Liberal Arts                                                                  University of Essex

Creative Writing                                                         Bath Spa University

Media and Communications                                   Winchester University

Commercial Music                                                    Bath Spa University

Liberal Arts                                                                 Winchester University

Liberal Arts                                                                 University of Essex

Creative Writing                                                        Bath Spa University

Drama, Theatre and Performance                         University of Lancashire

Louise, one of our Swedish students, has an unconditional offer from Winchester University to read Liberal Arts.

Natural History                                                          University of South Wales

Theatre and Drama                                                   University of South Wales

Drama                                                                          Bath Spa University

Tourism Management                                              University of Canterbury

Tourism Management                                              University of Sunderland

Tourism Management With Languages                University of Greenwich

International Tourism Management                     Middlesex University

Biological Sciences                                                    University of Essex

Forensic Biology                                                        University of Staffordshire

Biomedical Science                                                   University of Bedfordshire

Forensic Science                                                        University of Bournemouth

Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation        University of Central Lancashire

Operating Department Science                              University of Huddersfield

Biology                                                                        University of Portsmouth

Paramedic Science                                                    University of Worcester

Operating Department Science                              University of Huddersfield

Paramedic Science                                                    University of Portsmouth

Events Management                                                 University of Greenwich

International Events Management                        University of Brighton

Events Management                                                University of Winchester

Events Management                                                University of Bournemouth

Events Management                                                Leeds Metropolitan University

Broadcasting, Journalism & Communications    Glyndwr University

Media and Communications                                  Aberystwyth University

Media and Performance                                          University of Salford

Stadium and Events Management                        UCFB

Automotive Engineering                                         Harper Adams University

Motorsport Competition Car Technology           University Centre Myerscough

Motorsport Managements                                    University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Motorsport Technology                                          University of Bolton

Tiffany, from Mallorca, is off to study Motorsports in the UK on an unconditional offer. It is exciting to see a young woman moving into the traditionally male world of motor racing!

International Business                                           University of the West of England

Business and Management                                   University of East Anglia

Business Management                                           University of East Anglia

International Business                                           University of Westminster

Business and Management                                   Oxford Brookes University

Fashion Design                                                       University of the Arts, London

Fashion Design                                                       Instituto Marangoni, London

Drama                                                                       University of Exeter

Drama                                                                       University of Essex

Drama and Theatre                                                University of Kent

Drama                                                                       Bath Spa University

Sports Management & Development                 University of Portsmouth

Sports Studies                                                         University of Winchester

Sports and Exercise Therapy                                Southampton Solent University

Annabel, from the UK and Mallorca, is heading to Southampton to study for a degree in Sports Management on an unconditional place.

Business Management                                          ESADE, Barcelona

Dirección Hotelera Internacional                        UIB, Mallorca

Aina, from Mallorca, is heading for a degree in Fashion Making & Styling in Haute Couture at the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture, Paris.

Dima, from Russia, is yet to decide between California, Switzerland or Barcelona!

Certificate of Higher Education

in Professional Make-up Design                          Delamar College, London

Business Marketing with Digital Tech                Geneva Business School, Switzerland

Business Administration                                       San Diego University, US

Business Administration                                       California State University US

One student is going on a planned GAP year to South America.  There are many opportunities for safe and socially aware programmes around the world.

End of Academic Year 2017

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Another academic year has come to an end and we are delighted to say goodbye and good luck to all our leavers.  After having five unconditional offers from prestigious universities in Spain and the UK I can say that this year we have even more confidence in the abilities and outlook of these young people who have benefitted from being part of the College.  The remainder of the students all have good offers based on their results, or are awaiting confirmation of placements in Apprenticeship schemes throughout Europe.

The Lower Six have also worked hard this year; it has been a steep learning curve for many of them and they are now establishing good working habits which will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.  With our focus being on independent learning and skills for life we are proud to observe the changes that many of them have made throughout the year.  Of course, they are young people who sometimes make errors, but overall we are very pleased with their progress.

The College has expanded again and we are adding to the teaching staff next term, with three new members of staff.  Sadly, our teacher of German has had to take a sabbatical for family reasons but we look forward to welcoming her back in 2018.  The Modern Languages Department has therefore two new members of staff and we also welcome our teacher of Psychology.  The Art Department will have two teachers and Mathematics and Sciences have strengthened their number when our current part time teacher of Maths and Physics becomes full time in the Autumn.  We are delighted with the commitment and professionalism of all our fully qualified teaching staff and that we have a truly international staff room.

The next academic year will see the College expand in student numbers although we will always keep each class to less than 10 students.  Being based on two sites this year has given the students an opportunity to refresh themselves mentally and physically between classes with the short walk between buildings and this has worked well.

For your information, may I remind you that examination results will be available on 17th August from College.  It is helpful for the students to come into College any time after 10am to collect their provisional grades and then confirm university places.  Staff will be on hand to assist with queries.  Those awaiting GCSE results can collect them on 24th August.  The term dates for next year are available on the website but all students will be expected to be present on 6th September for our first day.

I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to wish you all a very happy summer with your families.