Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
A young person has a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. SEND is also relevant to those students who are considered ‘gifted and talented’ and may need extra support to stretch them.
Special Educational Provision at Palma College
This is educational provision for students with SEND which is additional to, or otherwise different from, provision made generally for students undertaking the same course. This excludes catch up provision the College is making for students who are underachieving (e.g. English language sessions) but includes different provision without which a student is unable to learn (e.g. preparing modified resource materials for a student with dyslexia). Students who have SEND should have visited an educational psychologist to have a diagnosis confirmed if they require exam accommodations. At Palma College, qualified staff offer additional support classes to individuals and also keep the teaching staff up to date with specific needs. When an educational psychologist’s report recommends specific help during examinations the College can arrange this with the examination board in the UK.
Specific Learning Difficulties
The term ‘specific learning difficulties’ is used to cover a wide variety of difficulties which can often affect a person’s physical skills, the way they process information and their memory (e.g. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & ADHD).
Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
Pupils with moderate learning difficulties will have attainments significantly below expected levels in most areas of the curriculum, despite appropriate interventions. Their needs cannot be met by usual differentiation in the classroom.
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and talented students will be supported in their learning needs through a series of enrichment activities and challenges. They may, in addition to their A Levels, complete the Extended Project which is an independent learning activity recognised by the exam board as a full A Level.