Next Steps for Palma College Students 2018
One of the great successes of Palma College is the ¨Next Steps´ programme where all L6 students are given careers advice and plan for their futures. Not all students want to pursue an academic route and we look for vocational programmes or apprenticeships for them.
This year we have been astonished by the depth and breadth of the students´ ambitions and very proud of them seeking out courses to help them on their journeys. We have three confirmed unconditional offers for the UK which is and testament to the strength of their applications; and many exciting opportunities both within Europe and North America.
Commercial Music Bath Spa University
Liberal Arts Winchester University
Liberal Arts University of Essex
Creative Writing Bath Spa University
Media and Communications Winchester University
Commercial Music Bath Spa University
Liberal Arts Winchester University
Liberal Arts University of Essex
Creative Writing Bath Spa University
Drama, Theatre and Performance University of Lancashire
Natural History University of South Wales
Theatre and Drama University of South Wales
Drama Bath Spa University
Tourism Management University of Canterbury
Tourism Management University of Sunderland
Tourism Management With Languages University of Greenwich
International Tourism Management Middlesex University
Biological Sciences University of Essex
Forensic Biology University of Staffordshire
Biomedical Science University of Bedfordshire
Forensic Science University of Bournemouth
Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation University of Central Lancashire
Operating Department Science University of Huddersfield
Biology University of Portsmouth
Paramedic Science University of Worcester
Operating Department Science University of Huddersfield
Paramedic Science University of Portsmouth
Events Management University of Greenwich
International Events Management University of Brighton
Events Management University of Winchester
Events Management University of Bournemouth
Events Management Leeds Metropolitan University
Broadcasting, Journalism & Communications Glyndwr University
Media and Communications Aberystwyth University
Media and Performance University of Salford
Stadium and Events Management UCFB
Automotive Engineering Harper Adams University
Motorsport Competition Car Technology University Centre Myerscough
Motorsport Managements University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Motorsport Technology University of Bolton
International Business University of the West of England
Business and Management University of East Anglia
Business Management University of East Anglia
International Business University of Westminster
Business and Management Oxford Brookes University
Fashion Design University of the Arts, London
Fashion Design Instituto Marangoni, London
Drama University of Exeter
Drama University of Essex
Drama and Theatre University of Kent
Drama Bath Spa University
Sports Management & Development University of Portsmouth
Sports Studies University of Winchester
Sports and Exercise Therapy Southampton Solent University
Business Management ESADE, Barcelona
Dirección Hotelera Internacional UIB, Mallorca
Certificate of Higher Education
in Professional Make-up Design Delamar College, London
Business Marketing with Digital Tech Geneva Business School, Switzerland
Business Administration San Diego University, US
Business Administration California State University US
One student is going on a planned GAP year to South America. There are many opportunities for safe and socially aware programmes around the world.