Head’s News October 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Dear Parents

Half term is approaching and as always it is hard to look back and see how much has been achieved in the classroom in the few short weeks of this term.

This week I am so proud to be Head Teacher of Palma College.  The students, and our staff, opened their classrooms to host visitors on Wednesday and their friendly welcomes to nervous potential students was simply amazing. They are obviously proud of their College and happy to show it off!

Diversity Day was similarly amazing. Our community heard the story of one of our students who had to flee Iraq as a refugee. The emotion in the room as this brave young girl spoke was palpable. Thereafter the different activities, fun, laughter and intrinsic learning was felt by all of us. The day ended with a competitive blindfolded football match and a film show of the day. We reaffirmed that we are a community who work hard but more importantly work together.

As we have not set formal homework during the half term holiday we hope they will all have a good rest and – just perhaps – they may want to revise or consolidate their learning to date!

Thank you for supporting your son or daughter through this first half term. I look forward to welcoming many of you at parents´ morning in December which you will be invited to shortly.

Kind regards and have a very pleasant half term as a family.


