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Policy & Procedures During COVID-19 Outbreak

Written by Palma College. Posted in Corona Updates

Dear Parents, Staff and Students,

After following the rapidly changing circumstances around the coronavirus COVID-19 we have taken the decision to follow the UK government’s advice for educational organisations (link), while also adhering to the Spanish Ministry of Health’s recommendations (link). Where there are differences we are taking the more cautious version.

Policy & Procedures During COVID_19 outbreak

  • Anyone travelling back from a high risk country (category 1, including China, Hong Kong and Macao, Singapore, South Korea, the Italian regions of Lombardy (Milan Region) and Veneto (Venice Region) ) must not attend the College for a 14 day period, follow the recommended procedures and must make the College aware as soon as possible.
  • Anyone who has been in a medium risk (category 2) must make the College aware and if they develop any symptoms not attend college for 14 days and seek medical help.
  • Everyone is reminded of their individual responsibility towards our community. People at potential risk or have been in contact with high risk people should stay away from school for 14 days.
  • All students must use their own labelled water bottle and/or mug/becker.
  • If a student or staff teacher is prone to sneezing they must keep a personal supply of tissues with them at all times.
  • Everyone should exercise caution if suffering from a respiratory infection by limiting contact with other people, when coughing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, wash hands frequently.
  • The College will ensure that the cleanliness of the buildings, supply extra soap, tissues, etc. We will also help any student that is absent stay on top of their learning and email them work. Any visitors to the College will be asked to read this information and comply with it.

Our intention is not to be alarmist, because we are aware that Spain is in the low-risk category. However, it is important that we do everything in our power to continue in this way.

We are reviewing the situation on a daily basis and appreciate all your support in keeping Palma College a safe, healthy environment to work and study in.

Apreciados padres, trabajadores y estudiantes,

Tras los rápidos acontecimientos relacionados con el coronavirus COVID-19, hemos tomado la decisión de seguir las indicaciones del Gobierno del Reino Unido para las organizaciones educativas (link), a la vez que hacemos nuestras las propias del Ministerio de Salud del Gobierno de España (link). En caso de diferencias de criterio, hemos tomado la versión más cauta de la norma.

Política y Procedimientos durante el brote de COVID_19

  • Todo aquel que haya viajado a uno de los países de alto riesgo (categoría 1, China, Hong Kong y Macao, Singapur, Corea del Sur y las regiones italianas de Lombardía (zona Milán) y Veneto (zona Venecia)) tiene prohibida la entrada a Palma College durante un periodo de 14 días, debe seguir las recomendaciones gubernamentales y hacer conocedor a Palma College de dicha situación con la mayor brevedad posible.
  • Todo aquel que haya viajado a uno de los países de riesgo medio (categoría 2) debe hacer conocedor a Palma College de dicha situación con la mayor brevedad posible. En caso de desarrollar alguno de los síntomas, su entrada a Palma College queda prohibida por un período de 14 días y debe solicitar ayuda médica siguiendo los canales gubernamentales.
  • Cada uno de nosotros es responsable a nivel individual de los daños que puede causar a nuestra comunidad. Aquellos con riesgo potencial o que hayan estado en contacto con personas de alto riesgo deben mantenerse alejadas de Palma College por un período de 14 días.
  • Todos y cada uno de los estudiantes deben utilizar su propia botella etiquetada y/o su propia taza.
  • Si un estudiante o profesor es propenso a estornudar debe asistir a Palma College con sus propios pañuelos y utilizarlos en todo momento.
  • Todo aquel que sufra de alguna infección respiratoria debe actuar con cautela evitando el contacto físico con otros, cubriendo boca y nariz con el codo flexionado o un pañuelo al estornudar, evitando tocar ojos, nariz o boca y lavándose las manos con frecuencia.
  • Palma College por su parte se encargará de asegurar la limpieza de los edificios, suministrar jabón y pañuelos extra, etc. Además apoyaremos a aquellos alumnos que tengan que ausentarse de sus clases, ayudándolos en su aprendizaje y informándoles por email de aquellas tareas que deban realizar para estar al día. Los posibles visitantes de Palma College tendrán que leer la información mencionada anteriormente y deberán cumplirla.

Nuestra intención no es ser alarmistas, pues somos conscientes de que España está en la categoría de riesgo bajo. Sin embargo, es importante que hagamos todo aquello que esté en nuestras manos para que continúe de este modo.

Esta situación está siendo revisada a diario y les agradecemos de antemano todo su apoyo en ayudar que Palma College sea un entorno entorno seguro y saludable donde trabajar y estudiar.

Student Newsletter – September 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Palma College Newsletter September 2018

Palma College students have been back for nearly a month now and are already hard at work and back into the swing of College life. Staff are busy getting to know our new students, teaching new skills, and planning exciting projects such as Diversity Day, new Enrichment projects and a Taster Day on 24 October for future students to come and get to know us.

Palma College prides itself on treating each student as an individual. Two of our students took the time to write what they like best about Palma College and tell us about their goals for this Academic year.

“I think Palma College is great school because it uses a different method of teaching that’s more personalised to each student and the student’s needs. Everyone is different and Palma College takes this into account and since classes are small the teacher is more focused towards me and how I learn. They don’t treat us like “students” they treat us like adults and individuals. My aims for this year are to achieve a good grade in my exams and to get a good foundation of education so that’s next year I can build on what I learnt this year.”

“Palma College is a specialised international A-level college. The difference between Palma College and other international schools on the island is that in Palma College all the students are treated as individuals, we get individual help and treatment by our qualified teachers. This is possible thanks to the fact that it is a small school. We are all treated as grown-ups and our opinion matters, we are challenged to think for ourselves, which is an important skill to have, we learn to adapt to situations as well as different personalities. The support we get from our teachers is something important for us as young adults, because we are all going through a lot of changes and our responsibilities increase. We have a lot of important choices to make about our futures such as what university to go to and what qualifications to get that will best fit our personalities and interests. All of that is made easier on us thanks to our lovely teachers.”

Things going on in and around College

All our new students took part in a certified First Aid course provided by Tineke Training. Students learnt different skills such as CPR, how to bandage and what to do if someone is choking. All the students found the course really useful and feel more confident if they are ever faced with a medical crisis.





Following on from Palma’s very popular Nit de l’Art where our Art teacher Laurie Pearsall exhibited at Casa Planas in Palma, our AS Art and Design students visited some of the local galleries.

The group spent some time at the galleries available to them in Palma Centre and visited three galleries that inaugurated new expositions for La Nit de l’Art. They viewed the work of Miquel Mesquida at the ABA Art Lab, a collaborative installation called ‘Walk the Line’ at Galeria Maior and the diverse collective exhibition at the Gerhard Braun gallery. Each student chose one work of art to study more closely for an essay task. They were happy to take a break from the classroom and see some galleries they normally might not see.

The students said they enjoyed seeing work of local artists and appreciated how Spanish culture had influenced some of the art they saw.


As part of our Enrichment programme students have participated in a range of activities this month. Self defence with Renegade Martial Arts, Time management skills and Good Habits help them organise their study time. Our A2 group have started their UCAS applications. They have received help from both Jill Conway our UCAS expert and interview skills with Sabrina from Just be Sassi.


A few of our students volunteered to help the nonprofit organisation Rana at their Charity Market last Saturday in Parc del Mar. Rana is a local charity that raises awareness and works on the prevention of child abuse.




We will be back next month with more news!

Press Release – 22/6/18

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Palma College for Sixth Form studies is delighted to announce they are opening an Elite Fifth Form year for IGCSE students.  Students must be in their 16th year to be accepted for a place on this one year fast track course.

Demand for IGCSE is growing and  Jill Witkamp Roberts feel the time is right to extend the excellence in education which already exists within the Sixth Form.  The fully qualified staff are available to work with the Fifth Form students to prepare them for the IGCSE exams.  10 different subjects are offered.

With the waiting list for sixth form places increasing year on year this is the time to extend the excellence in education to a younger year group and to prepare them for the difficult transition to the demands of A Levels.

The Fifth Form will be running from this September.

Head’s Message – June 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Dear Parents

As another academic year draws to a close it is a good moment for us to reflect on the achievements of the students at Palma College.  Those who are leaving us have mapped out their immediate futures but, more importantly, have gained the skills they need to support themselves in decision making and even risk taking.  They have matured immeasurably over the two years with us and taken part in all that we offer.  The destinations of leavers and the degree courses they have applied for amaze all of us in their diversity and location; the benefits of being a truly international college are such that we all learn so much about other countries.

The students who now are in their second year are a great group.  Their enthusiasm and energy is felt throughout the College and they are using critical thinking skills very well.  They understand that A Levels are not only hard work but the key to their future plans.  The guest speakers at the College have remarked on more than one occasion how impressed they have been with the interest shown and the questions asked of them.  They have great potential to move onto Higher Education or other routes and they have begun working on this next step.

A gentle reminder that the examination results for AS and A Level are released on 16th August.  The A Level students should be available to come into College to collect their results and confirm their university places (if heading to the UK).  If they are off the island we will of course email them as soon as is practical that day.

Summer work is expected for Art and English Literature but otherwise we would encourage general reading, particularly for those studying a modern foreign language.  Term starts on 5th September and we would appreciate full attendance from that date.

The staff and I wish you and your families a very pleasant summer and we look forward to seeing returning parents in September when we will be holding some information afternoons regarding university options.

Kindest regards

Next Steps for Palma College Students 2018

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

One of the great successes of Palma College is the ¨Next Steps´ programme where all L6 students are given careers advice and plan for their futures.  Not all students want to pursue an academic route and we look for vocational programmes or apprenticeships for them.

This year we have been astonished by the depth and breadth of the students´ ambitions and very proud of them seeking out courses to help them on their journeys.  We have three confirmed unconditional offers for the UK which is and testament to the strength of their applications; and many exciting opportunities both within Europe and North America.


Commercial Music                                                     Bath Spa University

Liberal Arts                                                                  Winchester University

Liberal Arts                                                                  University of Essex

Creative Writing                                                         Bath Spa University

Media and Communications                                   Winchester University

Commercial Music                                                    Bath Spa University

Liberal Arts                                                                 Winchester University

Liberal Arts                                                                 University of Essex

Creative Writing                                                        Bath Spa University

Drama, Theatre and Performance                         University of Lancashire

Louise, one of our Swedish students, has an unconditional offer from Winchester University to read Liberal Arts.

Natural History                                                          University of South Wales

Theatre and Drama                                                   University of South Wales

Drama                                                                          Bath Spa University

Tourism Management                                              University of Canterbury

Tourism Management                                              University of Sunderland

Tourism Management With Languages                University of Greenwich

International Tourism Management                     Middlesex University

Biological Sciences                                                    University of Essex

Forensic Biology                                                        University of Staffordshire

Biomedical Science                                                   University of Bedfordshire

Forensic Science                                                        University of Bournemouth

Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation        University of Central Lancashire

Operating Department Science                              University of Huddersfield

Biology                                                                        University of Portsmouth

Paramedic Science                                                    University of Worcester

Operating Department Science                              University of Huddersfield

Paramedic Science                                                    University of Portsmouth

Events Management                                                 University of Greenwich

International Events Management                        University of Brighton

Events Management                                                University of Winchester

Events Management                                                University of Bournemouth

Events Management                                                Leeds Metropolitan University

Broadcasting, Journalism & Communications    Glyndwr University

Media and Communications                                  Aberystwyth University

Media and Performance                                          University of Salford

Stadium and Events Management                        UCFB

Automotive Engineering                                         Harper Adams University

Motorsport Competition Car Technology           University Centre Myerscough

Motorsport Managements                                    University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Motorsport Technology                                          University of Bolton

Tiffany, from Mallorca, is off to study Motorsports in the UK on an unconditional offer. It is exciting to see a young woman moving into the traditionally male world of motor racing!

International Business                                           University of the West of England

Business and Management                                   University of East Anglia

Business Management                                           University of East Anglia

International Business                                           University of Westminster

Business and Management                                   Oxford Brookes University

Fashion Design                                                       University of the Arts, London

Fashion Design                                                       Instituto Marangoni, London

Drama                                                                       University of Exeter

Drama                                                                       University of Essex

Drama and Theatre                                                University of Kent

Drama                                                                       Bath Spa University

Sports Management & Development                 University of Portsmouth

Sports Studies                                                         University of Winchester

Sports and Exercise Therapy                                Southampton Solent University

Annabel, from the UK and Mallorca, is heading to Southampton to study for a degree in Sports Management on an unconditional place.

Business Management                                          ESADE, Barcelona

Dirección Hotelera Internacional                        UIB, Mallorca

Aina, from Mallorca, is heading for a degree in Fashion Making & Styling in Haute Couture at the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture, Paris.

Dima, from Russia, is yet to decide between California, Switzerland or Barcelona!

Certificate of Higher Education

in Professional Make-up Design                          Delamar College, London

Business Marketing with Digital Tech                Geneva Business School, Switzerland

Business Administration                                       San Diego University, US

Business Administration                                       California State University US

One student is going on a planned GAP year to South America.  There are many opportunities for safe and socially aware programmes around the world.

Newsletter May – Our open day

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

A first glimpse for our students inside the walls of Palma College on 25th May during our first  Open Morning.  We feel it is an exceptional environment to study in; a seventeenth century palace right next to Palma Cathedral.  The students will be able to use the city for both study and pleasure during free periods and lunchtimes.  We welcomed not only new students but many of the staff who will be teaching next year, some even flying in from the UK for the event.  They  were delighted to explain all the courses for next session.

The fee breakdown was explained in simple terms to the visitors, an all inclusive fee with no ‘extras’ bills appearing; highly qualified experienced sixth form staff, and no huge add-ons made by charging for examination fees. Students from various schools in Mallorca were in attendance together with parents from incoming international students and also some who were hoping to come straight into the second year of A Levels; unusual but entirely feasible. It is exciting to be able to offer more choice of subjects to the youngsters, especially as the College caters entirely for the post sixteen age group who have historically been ‘tagged on’ to the end of GSCE years.  Our focus on Arts and Humanities offers more choice and variety in A Level subjects.

A second Open Day will be held on Saturday 13th July and we would encourage those who are entering Year 11 in September to come along and find out about what we can offer in Sixth Form.

Newsletter April

Written by Palma College. Posted in Newsletters

Welcome to the first newsletter of a brand new college.  It is a privilege to be welcoming our students to the only dedicated sixth form college in The Balearics.
Students and staff shall work together to make our environment positive and optimistic, and I look forward to getting to know the students and their families over the coming months.  The two years of Sixth form is a challenging period for any young person, as they are making choices that will affect not only their present, but their immediate future and we, as adults, bear a great responsibility in helping them make the correct choices, and equipping them in skills for life.

I hope our founding students will make the best of their time with us and use this coming term wisely: work hard; take advantage of the enrichment programme; make new friends and most of all help one another to entrench in the college a sense of community and support.