Update from Pearson – No Summer Exams

Written by Palma College. Posted in Corona Updates

Dear parents, staff and students,
We have now had confirmation from Pearson that all May and June exams have been cancelled (link).
Students will be awarded certificates for the exams we have entered them for, however we still do not know what the criteria will be for grades.  With this in mind it is imperative that students continue studying until we have clarity, hopefully by the end of this week.  Also for any L6 students taking AS Levels it is important that the whole syllabus is taught as without this it will be impossible to cope with the harder A2 levels, especially if there are any gaps of knowledge.
We still need to be patient, stay focused on one day at a time and wait for the final details.

Apreciados padres y madres,

Tenemos la confirmación de que los exámenes oficiales de mayo-junio de EDEXCEL quedan cancelados (link)
Los estudiantes recibirán certificados oficiales de las asignaturas para las que habían sido matriculados. Sin embargo, en estos momentos todavía se desconoce cuál será el criterio a la hora de otorgar las cualificaciones. En consecuencia, es imprescindible que nuestros alumnos continúen estudiando al máximo nivel hasta que, probablemente a finales de semana recibamos más información al respecto. Del mismo modo, para los estudiantes de AS es imprescindible que reciban toda la formación curricular necesaria para afrontar en condiciones el curso de A2.
Debemos ser pacientes y concentrarnos en el día a día hasta que recibamos información más detallada y definitiva.
Reciban un afectuoso saludo
Kind regards,

Last updated: 24 March 2020

COVID-19 is impacting our lives in many ways and the situation continues to evolve rapidly. Our priority is keeping everyone safe and well, and providing certainty at this stressful time.

We’re committed to supporting all of our international customers, whatever your situation. It is, however, clear that this rapidly evolving global situation continues to present significant challenges, changes and uncertainty for everyone.

You and your students have put in huge amounts of work to get to this point, and we want to ensure that they achieve the grades they deserve to move to the next stage. Our focus is on providing as much certainty and clarity as we can and, as such, I would like to share with you an important update.

We have today made the difficult decision not to hold any General Qualification exams in May and June 2020 globally. This applies to iPrimary, iLower Secondary, International GCSE and International A Levels, as well as our UK GCSE and A level qualifications. We remain committed to ensuring that all students internationally receive a result and a grade, and we will award grades to international students using the same principles as for the UK GCSE and A level qualifications.

This will provide timely results and consistency for all students globally to progress to further study, university or employment.

We know you will have many questions about the details of this approach and what to do next. We’re working hard on answering these, including arrangements for private candidates, and will share further details as soon as possible.

As a UK and international awarding organisation, we’re already working with qualification experts (including Ofqual, UK Department for Education and JCQ), UK exam boards, governments and universities around the world to come together and work on one global approach, so students receive the outcome they deserve.

Thank you for your patience and support as we work to provide you with more details. We’ll continue to update here on the website, as well as directly with centres.

In the meantime, please stay safe and well. My thoughts and best wishes are with you all.

Sharon Hague,
Senior Vice President, Schools
