Newsletter November/December
November and December 2014
It is always difficult to keep a calm and purposeful atmosphere in the run up to the holiday season but I have to stay that most of the students remained focused and diligent in their studies almost until the last. This was helped in no small part by some of the subjects having a mini ‘mock exam’ on the second last day. These tests and mock examinations help the students to gauge their own progress and to see if there are gaps in their knowledge. Hopefully the Christmas break allowed for not only some rest and relaxation but also time to revise and consolidate the learning of the term.
November was a busy month not only academically, but also with a 3 day trip to Barcelona, Thai cooking workshop and a very interesting (and shocking) talk about 21st Century Slaves from Médicos Del Mundo.
An end of year lunch saw students bringing various dishes from their own countries to enjoy with staff.
Our final morning saw the student body walk up to Teatro Principal to watch Duncan perform so admirably in ‘A Christmas Carol’. This
professional and hugely entertaining production by Isla Theatre Group was enjoyed by all of the audience and it was wonderful to see how far Duncan has come in his acting abilities. In between College work, rehearsals with not one, but two productions, Duncan has also been flying back and forth to the UK to audition to study acting/theatre studies at university. He is not alone in this and we have been delighted that so many of our students who wish to study in the UK are busy attending interviews either in person or on Skype. Our European hopefuls apply a little later in the year and those heading for the US sit entrance tests in October and November this year.
As always College is a thriving and busy environment and we look forward to seeing our first cohorts receive the offers from the universities or colleges that they wish to attend