Newsletter January 2014
January is both a time for reflection and to look forward to the coming year. Looking back over the inception and launch of Palma College it seems like a distant memory. I have been delighted with the way the new students and staff quickly came together as a community and established a positive and supportive learning environment. The mutual respect that is evident is a special part of College and one which echoes the ethos of the founders.
Looking ahead there are new challenges to be faced and deadlines looming for the students. On top of a heavy academic workload we are now beginning to look to the future and options for life after College whether it be in work or further study. Interestingly although we have many nationalities the UK appears to be e choice of many young people for further study however, we do look at all options.
The Enrichment Programme for the Spring term is packed as always with many visiting speakers, workshops and activities. We are enormously grateful to the professional people who give up their time to come and speak to the students. It is by illustrating career pathways and encouraging high level decision taking that our young people are being given the best advice.
We look forward to a busy and engaging term in partnership with all of those who are members of the Palma College community.