Results Day
Results Day 15th August
Today all over the UK and in many other countries young people will receive the results of their A2 and AS examinations if they are being educated under the British system. The A2 results are the benchmark through which universities and colleges offer spaces on their Higher Education courses and I expect that there will be many happy youngsters today who can now move on to the step of confirming offers and making arrangements for accommodation in university halls of residence.
But what about those who just missed their offers by a grade or two? Well, the first thing to do is ring the admissions department of the university and see if they will still consider you. If you have missed your offer by a whisker they may well still accept you on your first choice of course or offer an alternative. Your second option is to look at the UCAS clearing process. This offers students the chance to make an application for a course which still has spaces left and which may match your grades. If you are adaptable and willing to move from your first choice of uni you may well be able to begin this September.
For those who just didn’t achieve their predicted grades there are always options; if you really have your heart set on a university degree then consider re-sitting your A levels which you can do in one year and re applying through UCAS again. This, of course entails extra fees if you are at a private school abroad. You could also consider taking some time out of education and gaining work experience or joining an organised GAP year project. This will build your confidence and give you additional experiences to add to any future application. It is disheartening for both students and parents when results are lower than anticipated but not the end of the world. There are always ways forward, including some of the private universities in Europe. Try to stay positive and get on the phone making enquiries about courses.
This week the results of the IGCSE exams also come out. Think carefully about if your grades are really good enough to take a subject on to A Level. If you have a grade lower than a C pass then it is clear that the subject is not for you. There is a steep jump between GCSE and A Level so be prepared to consider alternatives. If you are one of the lucky few who really know what their next steps may be in terms of a profession then make sure that you research entrance requirements to the Degree course NOW. Taking the wrong subjects is fatal and an easy mistake to make. If you are still undecided try to follow subjects which have elements of both literacy and numeracy to them as the skills in these areas will be of benefit to any future application.
If you require more advice about next steps, or would like a careers interview, please email for an appointment.