“The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.”   Steve Ballmer

If you enjoy being able to select and use appropriate IT tools and techniques in order to help you carry out investigations; capture and handle data; solve problems; web programming; make decisions; present and communicate information then this is an ideal AS or A Level for you.

The way we live and work in today’s society is enabled by the use of digital technologies. In this course, you will develop an understanding of what these technologies are, how they work together, and how they enable our digital world to function. Additionally, you will understand how to critically assess the value and impact of new technologies.

Websites, social media and apps are part of our everyday lives. Web designers and developers are continually innovating and developing new ways for us to access information and interact with the web. In this course, you will learn real-world, best practices in writing code for the web (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and understand how coding and programming languages combine to create an effective user experience

Organisations rely on their IT systems for many aspects of functionality, including finance, customer management and logistics. In this unit, you will understand the role of IT systems in supporting a variety of functions. Additionally, you will understand two approaches to project management, the waterfall method and a generalised ‘agile’ approach. It is impossible to predict the impact of new technologies on individuals, organisations and societies. In this unit, you will understand several emerging technologies, including machine learning, virtual and augmented reality and the Internet of Things.

You will perform practical tasks using database tools and respond to a series of structured questions to produce a solution to an unseen problem and provide responses which will test your analytical and evaluative skills.  Exploring how databases are used in different contexts (for example, in education and commerce) and how the factors of each context affect the data to be held and the features of the database will happen during the 2nd year of the course.

Click here for more information about IT.

