Breaking UK News

Written by Palma College. Posted in Corona Updates

Good evening,

As some of you may already be aware, at this very moment there is breaking news in the UK stating the there will be no exams in May and June.
We are still waiting for confirmation from Pearson Edexcel (our exam board), but until that time please do not panic. They will have a plan in place, for predicted grades or another option. We also do not know if it is just for the GCE A Levels (art & drama) or also for the IAL (International A Levels).

As soon as we have confirmation from the exam board we will contact you again. Then we will review what is needed.

Students for the moment it is important that you do not stop working and keep attending classes, as we may have test internally or be given new dates for official exams.

I will be in touch again shortly.