August 2015 Update
We are very proud of the first cohort of students who have completed their two year A Level courses with some excellent grades, including some with 100% pass marks! All the students who applied for university this year were successful in their first choice courses and we have spent this week confirming acceptances for September starts.
The AS grades were also on the whole very positive although it is apparent that, in a few cases, more effort needs to be given to this essential year as some students were taken aback by the level of difficulty compared to the GCSE course; there is a huge step up in terms of homework and keeping on top of important coursework assignments. For the new students joining us on 2nd September I cannot stress this highly enough.
We are inviting all parents to an information evening on Friday 4th September in the courtyard of ABC Mallorca offices adjacent to the College. This will begin at 5.30 and end about 7.30. This is an evening only for parents both to make new friends but also to dispel some of the music that the youngsters try to spin!
In the interim we hope you all enjoy these last few weeks of holidays.
Ali & Jill