Performing Arts Sponsored Place

Written by Palma College. Posted in Other Updates

Sponsored Place

Palma College is delighted to be offering, for the third year running, a free sponsored place for the Performing Arts A Level course worth over € 8,000.


Anyone interested in acting, singing, dancing or music and who will be between sixteen and nineteen in September can apply.

Selection will be based on an audition and interview.

Please email for more details.





PA StudenrsOur two students who won a sponsored place on the Performing Arts A Level course were in 2013 Olivia and in 2014 Alain.

Alain has studied the whole course in just one year while studying his final year of A Levels at another school. This is what he has to say about his experience:
“Palma College has not only offered me a sponsored place to be part of their school, they have offered me a part of their family because that is what I have learnt there. I have never felt so welcomed and helped at a school and it is an honor to say I studied at Palma College. They have helped me every time I’ve asked for help and will go through anything to ensure their students success! The Performing Arts course is fantastic! My teacher Currusca Collado is just a dream to have as a teacher and a guide through this year. She makes every class fun and unique and has taught me what hard work is and how good it feels to want to improve. Because of the tools Palma College is providing me this year I feel ready to take the next step and go to university in England to study a Joint Honors course in Business/Drama either in Loughborough University or Bath Spa University.”



Performing Arts

Performing Arts

Olivia is just coming to the end of her two years at Palma College. She won the first sponsored place for Performing Arts and decided to move from her Spanish school to the college full-time. This is what she has to say about her experience:
“Hello my name is Olivia May Green I am eighteen years old and I am currently studying my final year at Palma College. In 2013, I was given a Scholarship for Performing Arts at Palma College and, thanks to this amazing opportunity, I now find myself able to further my career in Vocals and Musical Theatre as I have been accepted to study at BIMM Brighton in October 2015, something I believed would be impossible for me to do two years ago. Switching from the Spanish system to the English has been lifechanging, I never imagined that I could study the subject that I had always been passionate about. I am so glad that I applied for the Scholarship as it has changed my life for the better, made me a lot more confident and has made me grow as a person. All of the teachers at Palma College are really great as they always give you their time and help you whenever you have any doubts. Our Performing Arts teacher is truly inspirational as she makes us work hard and helps us to believe in ourselves. Palma College is a unique, fun and friendly environment to study in. I am really grateful to have been given this life-changing opportunity! “